Five Reasons I Love Geelong

  1. It’s a great place to go for a run

I’ve never been a great runner and in fact I find running on a treadmill fairly boring. However running around Geelong’s Eastern Beach is beautiful! The bay is gorgeous, the bollards are fun, Eastern Beach stairs are challenging but mostly the fresh air, warm sun and salt breach are beautiful.

  1. It’s a great to be a mortgage broker in Geelong

I love being a mortgage broker. Geelong people are friendly and it’s a great place to network. I like talking to people. I get to know them, what drives them, where they want to go in life and I also get to see them grow up, get married have children and build their asset position. My clients tend to be with me for more than one transaction. I get to know them over years and will do many types of transactions for them, from organising their first home loan, to organising a car loan, refinancing and organising funds for a future renovation.

  1. Geelong is a fun, vibrant and cosmopolitan town.

I last lived in Geelong as a young girl of 18. At that time the bright lights of Melbourne beckoned. Having returned to Geelong over 20 years later I’ve found a town where many places offer outstanding coffee, (thanks Pakington St. West Geelong), I can find plenty of places to shop for clothes and shoes and I love the unusual shops around my office, Goose, Little Earthnest and Zaharah Interiors in East Geelong.

  1. Property in Geelong is Still Affordable

Although property in Geelong sells for much more than 20 years when I last lived here, it is still affordable when compared to Melbourne. Inner city suburbs such as East Geelong and South Geelong are still reasonably priced. The average median price for a property in South Geelong being $534,000 between Jan-Dec 2017, according to CoreLogic.  They often have decent sized blocks so that children are able to run around on lawn, play under a sprinkler and quite possibly even climb a tree. As a mortgage broker most families I see can afford the loan amount required to buy in these areas.

  1. Geelong Cats

The best footy team in the world have their home grounds here. Need I say more?



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