2023 is finally here, and with it comes the new year’s ‘fitsolutions’. As January kicks into gear many of you are no doubt feeling motivated to build stronger, fitter versions of yourselves. However, with living expenses up and many of us stretching our budgets more than our waistlines, the idea of dropping a couple of grand on a gym membership or an all-in-one weight trainer seems less than ideal.
Fortunately, as lockdowns taught us, a solid at home workout routine can be just as effective as a fully fledged gym workout, and can be more efficient too. Here’s 7 workouts you can do at home to build your body without blowing your budget.
Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
More than just a fun word to say, EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) is a workout routine that is broken down into one minute intervals. The goal is to complete a short exercise in less than a minute, taking the spare time in that minute to rest and recover. You can then repeat the exercise for as many rounds as you want or have time for. One benefit of EMOM is its effectiveness at raising your heart rate quickly, while being completely flexible to your schedule. Have a spare five minutes in the morning? Complete five rounds. Feeling like a more substantial twenty-minute workout? Complete 20 rounds of rotating exercises (push-ups, squats, sit-ups, etc.) Just want to take a minute out of your workday to get moving? Pump out some reps for a minute to break up sitting at your desk. It can get monotonous, but if you’re looking for a quick challenge that is great for beginners, it’s hard to beat EMOM.
15 Minute EMOM workout:
As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP)
EMOM’s evil twin, AMRAP, stands for “As Many Reps As Possible”. AMRAP workouts are generally rest-free and will have you gasping for air by the end. However, completing them is insanely rewarding and gives you an unmatched cardio boost. Whilst you’re working hard, the lack of breaks means that the workout is over sooner, making this a no excuse solution for anyone who is stretched for time. The goal of trying to do ‘as many reps as possible’ means that you can track your progress and try to better your number of reps each time. Move at your own pace.
5-minute AMRAP workout:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
A highly popular workout style that exploded during lockdowns, High Intensity Interval Training focuses on quick, explosive movements with short rest times. The result is strength building combined with a cardio burn. Even a 20-minute session will have you feeling sweaty and accomplished. While HIIT is challenging, it lends itself to people of all fitness levels, there’s no rep count to make or pace to hit, just so long as you give your all. The workout below utilises “supersets” so you’ll hit two sets of muscles before each break.
20-minute HIIT workout:
High Intensity Low Impact (HILIT)
If the explosive side of HIIT is too intense for you, High Intensity Low Impact workouts might be more your style. HILIT aims to get your heart racing while engaging your muscle groups, but removes plyometric “explosive” movements. This means you’ll always have at least one foot on the ground, making it a great alternative for people recovering from injury or in the early stages of pregnancy. HILIT compensates for its lower impact movements with “active rests”, which keep you active between exercises.
15-minute HILIT workout:
A pyramid workout is a fun, simple routine that allows you to track your progress. It involves performing an exercise repeatedly, adding one rep each time up to 10 reps. Once you hit the 10 rep mark, you then go back “down the pyramid” by performing one less rep each time until you’re back to one rep. It’s a very quick, challenging burner that will test your limits, but the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is unparalleled.
10-minute pyramid workout:
Focusing on not just physical health, but spiritual health, yoga has been practiced for many years, all the way back to ancient Indian times, long before elliptical machines and Peloton Bikes. To get started all you need is a mat (or cushion) and a good instructor, which you can find on YouTube with very little hassle. The benefits of yoga extend beyond just the physical, becoming a great way to centre yourself throughout the busy week and get back in touch with your own body. That isn’t to say it’s a walk in the park. Yoga is challenging and can take a lifetime to master, but just a couple of sessions a week will help you reach new levels of strength and flexibility.
Boxing may have once been synonymous with steel jawed fighters covered in tattoos, but in recent years it has emerged as an accessible workout style for everyone. From Hollywood actors to Victoria’s Secret models, boxing inspired workouts have become the fit person’s go-to for a high cardio, engaging workout that’s fun and produces real results. Mix up 5-minute shadow boxing rounds with combos and repetitions of different punches, slips and ducks. Soon enough you’ll be zipping around and throwing punches like an MMA star, minus the painful bruises! Boxing can be performed equipment free, but you can always invest in some gloves or a jump rope to introduce some footwork to your routine.
Hopefully you now have a better idea of how you can stay active and healthy without breaking the bank. Be sure to warm up before you start exercising and finish every workout with a cool down, stretching out the muscles and lowering your heart rate to avoid injury. If you’re ever unsure about an exercise, or would like your fitness level assessed before commencing, we recommend speaking with a trained professional. Good luck and get those gains!
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