We know there’s a growing trend to buck the Valentine’s Day traditions and boycott the entire holiday, but for those die-hard fans (or those in a relationship with one), Valentine’s Day can get pretty ‘exy’ pretty quickly. We’re always here to help the public in times of need or financial stress, so here are our top tips to keep the spending to a minimum this February 14th (it is meant to be about the love after all).
It should come as no surprise that flowers (particularly roses) get hit by a high mark-up come Valentine’s Day. If cash flow is a little bit of an issue, maybe consider giving the flowers a miss and opting for a gift that is less conventional and lasts a little longer. If you can’t bear to show up without a bouquet in hand, a small bunch from your local supermarket usually run cheaper than boutique florists.
We’ve noticed an increase in restaurants offering special ‘Valentine’s Day banquets’ for the two lovebirds, but have you noticed they seem to be quite expensive for the amount of food you get? Bypass an evening at the restaurant and spend an evening in the kitchen instead. You’ll always get double points for trying (triple if the meal is good). Big bonus points if you decide to cook together.
The ‘dinner and a movie’ Valentine’s date night is a bit overdone, and you know that’s where the crowds will be for the evening. Doing something less ‘coupley’ and less pricey still means you get to spend the time together. Mini golf, paintball, and picnics are all a little less conventional and still lots of fun!
Valentine’s Day is not like a birthday! If you’re not overly fussed over the cultural significance of the day and just want to spend time together, make your dinner reservations on another night or plan your special activities for the weekend.
You shouldn’t need a gift to show someone that you care about them, we’re full advocates for couples taking this time of the year to spend time with each other. We believe a holiday like this is about expressing your feelings, which can be done just as effectively with words.
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