Self Managed Super Funds

SMSF Lending

If you’re thinking about using your self-managed super fund (SMSF) to invest, we’re here to assist! We’ll help you understand your SMSF borrowing capacity and loan requirements so you can make informed decisions that align with your finance goals. Unlike traditional funds, an SMSF allows you to invest in a wider range of assets, including residential and commercial properties, as well as shares and bonds.

SMSF loans can help you:

  • Grow your SMSF wealth
  • Gain investment flexibility
  • Fast track your retirement
  • Access tax benefits
  • Take control of your superannuation

By utilising your self-managed super fund to invest wisely in income-generating assets, you can significantly grow your wealth over time. Interest payments made on SMSF loans used for investment purposes can be tax-deductible, which may significantly reduce your overall tax liability within the SMSF.

Plus, when your SMSF enters the pension phase, any income or capital gains generated from investments held for over one year can become tax-free.

However, SMSF loans are more complicated than your average home loan, so it’s important to seek independent legal, financial planning and accounting advice prior to making any decisions, to ensure than an SMSF investment strategy is right for your personal circumstances. Once you’re satisfied that it’s the right move, we can then guide you through the loan process.

At MoneyQuest , we take the time to understand your specific SMSF finance needs and will assist you with finding the right loan tailored to your situation! Contact our team today to learn more.

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