Peita Davies Wins MFAA Community Champion Award

Huge congratulations to Peita Davies, franchise owner of MoneyQuest Penrith & Blue Mountains in NSW, who took out the ‘Community Champion Award’ at this year’s NSW/ACT Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) Excellence Awards!! And what a champion she is.

2022 marked Peita’s 20th year in business, a milestone that she saw as an opportunity to give back to her community. So, in keeping with the 20-year theme, Peita developed the 20|20|20 campaign, a charitable initiative designed to raise funds and awareness for 20 different charities over the course of 20 months. June 2024 marks the end of the campaign, and it’s safe to say that it has been a resounding success, spotlighting and raising much-needed funds for local charities as well as lesser-known causes close to Peita’s heart.

To be formally recognised as a community champion is incredibly fitting, extremely well-deserved, and a moment that Peita won’t soon forget:

“When my name was announced I couldn’t believe it. I won’t repeat the exact words that came out of my mouth 😅, but I was truly stoked. Over the last 22 years, I have been an MFAA finalist several times, but never a winner, so to receive my first MFAA award for such a meaningful initiative is very special. I’m thrilled for our team and all the charities involved, and am so grateful to everyone who donated funds and supported the campaign along the way!”

From all of us here at the Money Quest Group, congratulations PD! 🤩



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The Money Quest Group (MQG) is one of Australia's leading boutique mortgage broking businesses, with a network of more than 600 brokers nationwide. Known for their exuberant culture and superior support, MQG provides brokers access to a range of financial products from more than 60 lending institutions and suppliers, and exclusive access to in-house benefits and services.

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