As the weather starts to cool and the days slowly begin to shorten, it’s natural to start thinking about how you can best prepare your home for the colder, wetter months to come. Below are 5 tips to help you on your way, so that you can enjoy a hassle-free autumn and beyond.
1. Get the gunk out of your gutters
Cleaning out your gutters at the start of autumn will help prevent issues later on when rainfall increases. Blocked gutters, drains and pipes can cause major damage to your plumbing system and your home, especially if water overflows into the roof cavity. Prune any trees that are likely to drop their leaves, and also be sure clear out your garage and carport gutters too. Consider engaging a professional to do these jobs, as there is a certain level of risk involved when working at heights.
2. Have your heater serviced
Having your heater serviced at the beginning of autumn will ensure that it’s in safe working order when temperatures start to plummet. Autumn is also a good time to seal up any gaps in walls or near windows and doors, to ensure that your heater isn’t working harder than it has to.
3. Review your roof (or get a professional to do it for you)
Checking your roof for loose or cracked tiles is another important maintenance job for the autumn season. Replacing loose or cracked tiles will save you a lot of heartache and potential water damage down the track. This is another job best left to the professionals, as climbing on a roof without the correct safety equipment can be dangerous.
4. Test your smoke alarm
Whilst you’re on a maintenance roll, it’s also a good idea to check and clean your smoke alarm – especially if you intend to use a heater or fireplace over the cooler months. Simply vacuum or dust the cover, and then test the alarm by holding down the test button.
5. Protect your outdoor furniture
Once the rain and wind kick into gear and temperatures start to fall, chances are you won’t feel like lazing around on your outdoor furniture. Therefore, we recommend giving it a good clean and
packing it away in Autumn, so that it is protected when the harsh weather hits. If you don’t have anywhere to store your furniture, consider investing in a waterproof cover.
With a little forward planning, some manual maintenance, and a bit of professional help, your home will be ready for the cooler months in no time.
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